
When launching a historical restoration project, it’s crucial to identify a renowned and skilled contractor. With all the extra challenges and constraints of historical structures, only a specialist will be able to deliver the results you want. Not every contractor will be a good fit for your purposes, so it’s worth being extra diligent as you search for the right partner.

A good place to start is with a well-respected company like Walter St. Clair Roofing of Cincinnati, OH. In addition to being able to repair and install standard roofing and siding, these professionals have a wealth of experience working with historical buildings. Here are a few tips from Cincinnati’s top historical restoration contractor on how to find the best match.

How to Evaluate Historical Restoration Contractors

Find Out About Their Experience 

Historical restoration work is already a specialty, but different contractors have experience with different types of projects. It’s crucial to understand the size and scope of projects the prospective company has worked on — so make sure you compare to your own site to check for parallels. Since historical restoration requires an extraordinary level of precision and knowledge, asking a contractor to work outside of their expertise can lead to costly mistakes. 

Investigate Reputation

historical restoration Since historical restoration work can be so demanding, it’s smart to explore two different types of references when you’re researching a prospective contractor. First, it’s worth speaking to past or current clients about issues like the company’s style of communication, punctuality, and, of course, the durability of the structure. You’ll also want to check in with local institutions to gauge the company’s reputation in the industry. It’s a good idea to start out with a local historical society and the regional preservation board.

Make Sure They Are Experienced With the Review Process 

A company can have outstanding craftsmen and still be the wrong fit your project. When dealing with historical work, you want a team savvy with the approval process for working on historic buildings. That includes knowledge about reviews and permitting. Failure to adhere to standard guidelines can not only result in steep fines, but also in red tape for your project.

As you begin looking for the right historical restoration contractor, it would be wise to begin your vetting with Walter St. Clair Roofing. To speak to a friendly customer service representative, call (513) 641-3265. You can also learn more about the company by visiting their website.
