
Your oral hygiene has a direct effect on your overall health, and your mouth is one of your body’s first lines of defense against viruses and bacteria. It’s critical that in addition to brushing and flossing regularly, you also keep an eye out for the earliest symptoms of gum disease. Below, Dr. Charles Bumgardner, DMD in Lexington, SC, shares a few warning signs of the condition:

5 Warning Signs of Gum Disease

1. Red or Swollen Gums

gum diseaseHealthy gum tissue should be pink, and it shouldn’t look puffy. If your gums are swollen or look red, it could be a sign of an underlying infection.

2. Bleeding Gums

Unless your gums have undergone trauma, they should never bleed. Bleeding gums, in the absence of injury, is a sign of an infection. You should visit your dentist as soon as possible for treatment.

3. Receding Gum Line

Your hairline might recede as you age, but your gum line shouldn’t. Unlike the other symptoms of gum disease, there are several causes of a receding gum line. If you notice your teeth looking longer than usual, visit your dentist to determine the cause.

4. Loose Teeth

Permanent teeth shouldn’t become loose and fall out. If you have loose or splayed teeth, it could be a sign that the periodontal ligament connecting the tooth to the jaw is infected.

5. Pain

Unlike other health conditions, gum disease only exhibits pain in the early stages. If you’re developing the condition, you may experience pain when brushing or flossing. If this pain subsides, it doesn’t mean that the condition has. It could mean your gum disease has moved into the advanced stages.

If you’re exhibiting any of the symptoms above, schedule a dentist appointment as soon as possible to determine a course of action. For quality dental care, visit Dr. Charles Bumgardner, DMD. Check out his website for a list of services he provides, and call (803) 356-6030 to learn more about gum disease prevention. 
