
Visions of a beautifully updated kitchen with stunning floors and rich wooden cabinetry can quickly evaporate when the cost of a dream renovation is revealed. The good news is there are ways to lower costs with some creative planning. Roider Contracting in Columbia, Illinois, prides itself on providing home construction services designed to deliver amazing results without breaking the client’s budget.

If you’ve been thinking of renovating your home but are frightened of the potential costs, here are several ways to keep the job affordable:

  • Use Man-Made Materials: Instead of hardwood floors or granite countertops, consider using man-made materials that mimic natural materials. There is an array to choose from with colors, textures, and styles that are very close to their more expensive counterparts.
  • Install Less Expensive Lighting: Recessed lighting, which includes not only the installation work but the costs to cut holes for placement and insulation, may get pricey. As an alternative, lights that are directly mounted to walls or ceilings can be just as beautiful without having to shell out for additional labor costs.
  • home constructionRethink Expansion: Knocking down a wall and reconfiguring the space to accommodate new electrical wiring can also increase remodeling costs. By removing cabinetry or a shelving unit, you’ll likely save more money while opening up the space. 
  • Use Leftover Pieces: A home contractor is an excellent source for leftover pieces of flooring, carpeting and other odds and ends. Depending on the space they’ll occupy, you could end up with enough material and slash the costs of getting brand new pieces. Also, troll hardware big box stores and second-hand retail outlets. People will often order beautiful cabinetry, flooring, and carpets then decide they don’t like them, thus you can pick them up for a song.
  • Keep Sinks & Toilets: If they’re still in good condition and will fit with your new décor, consider keeping the sinks and toilets in place. Their removal, replacement, and new plumbing installation can add up, cost-wise, quickly.

As the area’s premier home builder, Roider Contracting has earned a stellar reputation for top-quality work using only the best and most durable materials and state-of-the-art equipment. When it comes to home construction, their team is always committed to seeing their clients’ vision through from ideas and blueprints to completion. Whether you’re desiring a new home built from scratch or have plans to build a garage or concrete patio, the family-owned company is your trusted design partner.

To get started on your next remodeling or home construction project, call Roider Contracting today at (314) 807-0492 for a consultation. Check out their website for more information on building your dream house.
