
When you think of an ultrasound, you probably picture a pregnant woman getting an exciting peek at her unborn baby. While this is a common use for the procedure, it does serve a range of other purposes as well. If your doctor has recommended you get an ulatrsound, you should understand what this test is and how it works. The radiology experts at Hudson Valley Imaging in Monroe, NY, have shared the basics of an ultrasound below to help you know what to expect during your appointment.

What Is an Ultrasound?

This test, also known as a sonogram, uses sound waves to create an image of the inside of your body. It can be used to diagnose medical issues, such as the cause of pain, can monitor fetuses, and can assess damage after a heart attack. It often does not require much preparation, but depending on the area examined, your doctor may ask you to refrain from eating or drinking beforehand and to put on a gown and remove your jewelry.

Why Do You Need an Ultrasound?

ultrasoundUltrasound radiology is a smart choice because it is a non-invasive procedure. Unlike many other diagnostic imaging tests, it does not require needles or radiation to get results. The moving image is captured in real time, meaning the physician can visualize your internal organs and diagnose your condition right away.

How Does It Work?

An ultrasound works similar to the way bats use sonar. The probe device is pushed up against the skin and sends out high-frequency noises. The different parts of your body, such as the tissues, organs, and bones, all bounce that noise back differently. The computer then records when those noises bounce back and uses it to create a real-time image. Newer technology can actually create a three-dimensional image.

Now that you understand the basics, you want your ultrasound to be performed by the best. The team at Hudson Valley Imaging is made up of board-certified, highly trained physicians and certified technicians who will make your visit pleasant and informative. Check online to see if they take your insurance, and call (845) 220-2222 to schedule your appointment.
