
When it comes to creating a functional driveway on your property, you’re likely deciding between two options: concrete and asphalt. Using a high-quality paving material from an asphalt supply company has a few distinct benefits over the traditional concrete pathway. At The L. Suzio York Hill Companies, serving south central Connecticut, their staff knows asphalt can make a superior paved surface. They’ve compiled a few interesting facts about asphalt that make the material a fantastic choice for homeowners and business owners alike.

3 Reasons to Pave Your Driveway With Materials From an Asphalt Supply Company

1. Asphalt Requires Minimal Maintenance

Concrete can crack and flake away when installed incorrectly, leaving you with a broken pathway that can damage your car and negatively impact the look of your home. When you pave your driveway with asphalt from your local asphalt supply company, you’ll be getting a beautiful driveway that can withstand the changing temperatures common to Connecticut without flaking. If a crack does develop, it is easily fixed with a sealant available at most hardware stores.

2. The Installation Is Fast

Asphalt supply companyConcrete requires extensive mixing and pouring, and for large spaces, this process can take several days to complete. Once the mixture is poured, it can take a full week to set before you can use the surface. Asphalt often takes as little as one day to lay and only two days to set, depending on the weather. If you’re looking for a pavement that’s quick to install and quick to dry, contact an asphalt supply company.

3. Asphalt Is More Eco-Friendly

With changing technology, green building practices are becoming more important to homeowners. Despite common misconceptions, asphalt is a green choice for your driveway. In winter, its black color absorbs sun, helping melt ice without the use of chemical-based ice melt. Should the driveway be damaged by ice or need to be replaced, you’ll be able to recycle much of the material, reducing your carbon footprint.

If you’re looking for a simple way to transform your damaged driveway into a comfortable space for your car, contact The L. Suzio York Hill Companies today. Visit their website to learn more, and call (203) 237-8421 to discuss your project.
