
Whether you’re constantly looking down at your phone or staring at a computer all day, there are countless ways to develop neck pain and stiffness in the modern world. If you have neck or back pain and want to treat the root of the problem—instead of merely masking the symptoms with pain relievers—turn to Chiropractic Associates of Platteville, WI. Below, a seasoned chiropractor from their team shares three tips for relieving neck pain and stiffness.

3 Tips for Relieving Neck Pain

1. Perform Simple Stretches at Periodic Intervals

If your job requires you to stay in the same position for an extended period, take periodic breaks and perform a few gentle stretches. That way, you won’t strain your neck or exacerbate injuries caused by overuse. Stretches include rolling your shoulders backward and down, squeezing your shoulder blades together and then releasing them, placing your hands behind your head and leaning your head back for 30 seconds, and lowering each ear to the corresponding shoulder.

2. Take an Epsom Salt Bath

Although it is typically only temporary, hydrotherapy can provide immediate pain relief. If your neck pain is especially severe, draw a hot bath, sprinkle in Epsom salt, and soak in it for at least 20 minutes. This will help relieve muscle tension and pain caused by strains and sprains. 

3. Visit a Chiropractor

neck painDepending on the cause of your neck pain, a chiropractor may be able to perform simple adjustments to manipulate the spine and ease your pain permanently. Your chiropractor can also advise you on stretches to prevent future injuries.

If you are suffering from chronic or acute neck pain, turn to Chiropractic Associates of Platteville for an accurate diagnosis and noninvasive treatment. Visit their website to learn more about the chiropractic care they provide, and call (608) 348-3156 to make an appointment for lasting relief.
