
Much like daily brushing and flossing, a healthy diet is key to maintaining dental health. Put your children on the path to a lifetime of optimal oral health and overall wellness with tips from pediatric dentist Allen K. Hirai, D.D.S., at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala. The Honolulu, HI-based dentist for kids suggests avoiding a few foods to keep your children healthy and cavity-free.

3 Foods Damaging to Oral Health

Acidic Foods

Some acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, contribute to a healthy body because of their high vitamin content. Others, such as certain processed foods, offer no nutritional value. However, children must sip water after eating healthy acidic foods to wash the acidic food off their teeth. The acid wears away at enamel, leaving teeth vulnerable to decay. Ask your pediatric dentist for acidic food recommendations if you’re unsure which options are best for your children.

Sticky Candies

pediatric dentistCandies such as toffee and caramel stick to teeth and can stay there for hours. The same is true of granola bars and anything else that’s sticky and sugar-filled. Sticky foods give sugar plenty of time to work with mouth bacteria and form decay-causing acids and plaque. White sugar also increases your children’s risk of gum disease, obesity, and heart disease, harms immune function, and promotes behavioral problems among other unhealthy effects.

Starchy Foods

Starchy foods such as potato chips, certain breakfast cereals, and white bread are simple carbohydrates the body breaks down as sugar. Food particles left in teeth will combine with mouth bacteria to form plaque and detrimental acids. Additionally, diets high in starch cause blood sugar levels to quickly spike and drop, resulting in cravings. They increase your children’s risk of obesity and the problems that follow. Starchy foods affect energy level as well.

Discuss these and other foods to avoid with a professional at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala, as well as which foods are best for healthy teeth, gums, and growing bodies. Call (808) 737-0076 to schedule your next appointment or visit them online for more about services. Like the pediatric dental service on Facebook for additional great tips.
