
While there are numerous reasons to see a chiropractor, many people wait until their condition is severe to find the support they need. Rather than allowing your situation to worsen, seek help when you first notice a warning sign. Even if you don’t feel extreme pain right now, chiropractic treatments will prevent the risk of injury or illness down the road. If you experience any of the following symptoms, your body is past due for chiropractic care.

3 Signs It’s Time to Seek Chiropractic Care

1. You Suffer From Chronic Pain

If you’ve suffered pain for more than a few months—no matter how mild it may be—seek chiropractic care. Whether you have lower back pain or numbness in your spine, a chiropractor can diagnose, manage, and treat your condition. Rather than just masking your pain, your specialist will help you heal.

2. You Endure an Injury or Accident

chiropractorCar accidents and sports injuries frequently lead to neck, back, or shoulder trauma. Even if the pain doesn’t take hold immediately, there’s a significant chance it will cause problems later on. Have a chiropractor examine your injury and assess your health as soon as possible.

3. Your Job Is Sedentary

These days, construction workers and landscapers aren’t the only ones subject to neck and back injuries. If you spend long hours typing on your computer or talking on the phone, you also have a heightened risk of muscle tension and stress. Over time, this can lead to issues like muscle pain or herniated discs. To relieve tension and tightness before the pain escalates, seek help from a chiropractor.


Whether you suffer from back or neck pain or simply want to live well, visit the professionals at Back to Health Chiropractic in Florence, KY. To learn more about attaining a healthy back and spine, call today at (859) 746-2222. For more information about the practice, visit the website
