
Summer break is long enough for kids to slowly forget core curriculum they’ve learned in the classroom. This is why the instructors at JEI Learning Center suggest enrolling your children in summer programs. Continuing coursework over vacation is an effective way for young students to retain knowledge while preparing for the next school year. Based in San Jose, CA, the learning center offers reading and math programs for kids to help them achieve their academic goals and succeed in life.  

Below, the teachers at JEI Learning Center share the top three reasons to sign kids up for summer programs:

  • Builds Enthusiasm: Summer reading and writing programs give youngsters a chance to put on their creative thinking caps. They get to read a series of nonfiction and fiction books at their own pace and share their perceptions with peers in a relaxed, fun environment. This boost children’s enthusiasm about reading and helps them learn better reading habits. In class, they’ll also discuss authors’ narrative techniques, which will improve their own writing. 
  • summer programPuts Kids Ahead: Sometimes, all a student needs to excel is a new approach. During a summer math program, children learn effective problem-solving methods to help comprehend difficult equations and formulas. They also feel more comfortable asking questions in a relaxed setting, which guarantees they will understand workbook material before moving on to new lessons. This extra schooling over summer will put kids ahead of their classmates.
  • Improves Self-Esteem: If your child is shy, enrollment in a summer program will improve their self-esteem. With improved study habits, they will start getting higher scores on homework and tests and receiving positive reinforcement from teachers. They’ll take this newfound confidence into the school year, becoming more eager to participate in class. 

To learn more about summer programs available in San Jose, call (408) 270-6162 today. Visit JEI Learning Center online to discover which enrichment program will benefit your child, and like them on Facebook for news and announcements. 
