
Almost every state requires motorcycle riders to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance. For example, North Carolina mandates every biker must purchase at least $30,000 for each person injured in an accident they cause, with a $60,000 cap per accident. However, minimum coverage won’t pay for damage to your motorcycle or cover your expenses if you’re hurt by someone driving without proper liability insurance. May is Motorcycle Awareness Month, so it’s an excellent time to consider a few guidelines to help you choose the right plan.

3 Tips for Purchasing Motorcycle Insurance

1. Understand Coverage Types

In addition to liability insurance, you also should purchase uninsured motorist coverage, which will pay for your medical expenses if you’re injured in an accident caused by someone without adequate coverage. Collision insurance will cover damage to your motorcycle in an accident you cause, while comprehensive coverage protects you from events like fire, falling objects, and theft.

2. Take a Driving Course

Liability insurance Monroe NCMany insurance providers offer discounts for motorcycle riders who complete an approved safe driving program. The discount amount varies from one insurer to the next, but the rate reduction typically is enough to negate the cost of the class, and the skills you learn could help you avoid an accident.

3. Bundle Your Policies

Most insurers also offer discounts to customers who purchase multiple policies from the same company. Many states allow motorcycle owners to add their bike to their auto insurance policy, extending their vehicle coverage at a lower rate than the cost of an additional plan.


Whether you're looking for general liability insurance or motorcycle coverage tailored to your needs, Tammy Ross Insurance in Monroe, NC, has a range of products and extensive industry experience to ensure you're protected. To discover the advantages of working with an independent insurance agent and request a free quote, visit their website or call (704) 233-4981. Like the company on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to receive updates about car insurance, homeowners insurance, and other coverage.
