
To keep your pets happy and healthy, it’s important to take them to the veterinarian regularly. However, this can vary depending on the type of pet and their age. To help you maintain your pet’s health, the experts at The Pet Clinic in Honolulu, HI, have put together this guide for some of the most common pets.

How Often You Should Take Your Pet to a Veterinarian

1. Dogs

When dogs are still puppies, take them to the veterinarian once a month. This ensures that they’re current on their vaccinations, and it allows you to speak with your vet about any development or dietary issues that might arise. Likewise, your vet will need to do blood tests during this time to rule out illnesses that puppies are susceptible to, such as distemper and parvo.

Once your dog reaches maturity, they’ll need to see the vet once or twice per year for wellness checks. Starting at around age eight, senior dogs should get wellness checks more frequently, depending on their health.

2. Cats

veterinarianLike puppies, kittens will need to see the vet on a monthly basis to make sure their vaccinations are up to date, and to check for illnesses. At six months old, they’ll need to get spayed or neutered. Once they reach maturity at around one year, take your cat to the vet annually for regular checkups and vaccinations. Senior cats may need to visit the vet more frequently if they have an illness or condition that requires regular medical attention.

3. Rabbits

Most rabbits should visit the vet for checkups every year. During these visits, your veterinarian can take stool samples to make sure your rabbit’s health is optimal. Once your rabbit reaches around five years of age, consider taking it to the vet twice a year to monitor for any illnesses associated with older age.

4. Birds

Birds are especially good at hiding symptoms when they’re suffering from an illness, so you might not even realize your feathered friend is sick. Because of this, it’s best to take pet birds to the vet once a year for a checkup so your veterinarian can make sure the bird is healthy. Likewise, if your vet can detect early signs of illness, it’s much easier to treat at this stage.

5. Reptiles

Reptile owners should take their pets to the vet at least once a year, but for optimal health, you can take them twice a year. Reptiles have a shorter lifespan than most other pets, so it’s best to get wellness checkups twice per year to detect any illness or medical conditions. If your veterinarian detects a serious illness, early treatment is the best way to give your pet reptile the healthiest and longest life possible.

For all of your veterinarian needs, choose The Pet Clinic in Honolulu, HI. With more than 60 years of experience, their trusted team of experts has been treating local pets for everything from vaccinations to pet dentistry. Visit their website for more information or call them at (808) 946-5096 to get in touch today.
