
While selecting an HVAC system for your property, the myriad of available options can be overwhelming. For example, how do you decide between a heat pump and an air conditioner? To find out, you first need to understand the key differences between these two popular systems. The professionals from Oxford, Ohio’s top air conditioner service, B&B Plumbing and Heating, have the advice you need to make the right decision.

Heat Pumps Vs. Air Conditioners: What’s the Difference?

Both heat pumps and air conditioners work to cool properties. The key systematic difference is this: while air conditioners use electricity to distribute air, heat pumps employ heat from the outdoors to alter indoor temperatures. They both rely on compressors and refrigerant to cool your space.

Heat Pumps

hvacThe structural differences between heat pumps and air conditioners contribute to major discrepancies in function. Since heat pumps can reverse direction and transfer heat, they are considered the more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly option. Due to these energy-saving qualities, some areas offer tax incentives or rebates for homeowners who switch to heat pumps.

However, not every climate is suitable for this machine. Once the temperature drops below 40 degrees, a heat pump becomes far less efficient. Instead of relying on its core technology, it must switch to an emergency heating setting. Since Oxford winters aren’t terribly cold, though, a heat pump will still be the more energy-efficient option for your area home.

Air Conditioners

Air conditioners tend to be less expensive and easier to maintain than heat pumps, but most won’t save you the same bundle on your energy bill. However, these days, there are a variety of energy-efficient models out there. Keep in mind—air conditioners cannot heat your home like heat pumps; you will need a separate system for that.

Both HVAC systems come with pros and cons worth considering. To find out which will serve you best, contact the professionals from B&B Plumbing & Heating. From sweltering summers to chilly winters, this team of HVAC technicians and plumbers will help you stay comfortable all year long. Learn more by calling today at (513) 523-4010 or visiting the website
