
If you’ve noticed signs that your roof is looking worn, you may not be sure whether or not you need to take action. But if you see that you need to replace your roof and fail to do so, it could result in a variety of issues that will impact the overall well-being of your home.

Here are a few signs that your roof shingles need to be replaced — and soon.

Damaged Shingles

One of the first signs that you need new roof shingles is damaged or warped shingles. Shingles can crack or warp over time and will curl or cup around the edge. If you have numerous shingles missing or can see spots where the surface has been worn down, it’s time for them to go.

Age of Roof

A good rule of thumb to follow is that if your roof is at least 20 years old, its shingles should be replaced. If there aren’t visible signs of damage but your home has been around this long, the shingles have probably done all they can to protect your roof. Additionally, if you live in a neighborhood where the homes have been around a similar number of years, and you notice many of your neighbors replacing their roofs, perhaps you should too. Homes built within the same time span experience similar weather conditions and wear and tear, so this could be an indicator to replace your roof.

Stains or Growths

roof shinglesUnpleasant stains and growths can make your home look unsightly, as well as impact the integrity of your roof. Algae and moss can grow on roofs in humid, moist climates. While these may seem like a cosmetic issue, these growths can strip your shingles of their surface layer and break them down over time.


If you suspect your roof shingles need replacing, call a professional. Peninsula Roofing, LLC in Olalla, WA, has offered excellent roof repairs and shingle installation since 1990. For more information on the company and their services, visit their website or call (253) 857-4441.
