
Whether for a driveway or parking lot, each commercial paving material offers unique advantages. For business owners looking to save money, asphalt is a wise choice. Grey-Ruso Construction has over three decades of asphalt paving experience serving all five boroughs of New York City, Long Island and Westchester counties. Use their expert knowledge to determine if asphalt paving is the economical choice for your business.

How Asphalt Commercial Paving Saves You Money 

1. Lower Up-front Costs

Asphalt is one of the most inexpensive paving materials. Reaching costs as low as $1 per square foot, this option saves in up-front expenses, particularly for new or small businesses that may not have a large cash flow. 

2. Time 

Not only is the material cheaper, but asphalt paving can be completed much quicker than concrete methods. Faster turnaround means you save in labor costs, as well as decreased downtime for your business. 

3. Smooth Surface 

commercial pavingIncreasing a surface’s smoothness can increase its lifespan by 10 to 25%. Because asphalt is the smoothest commercial paving material around, you will see a longer lifespan for your project compared to other materials. 

4. Durability 

In addition to smoothness, asphalt has other characteristics that make it extremely durable, lasting up to 30 years after installation. Paying for commercial paving only once saves your business additional expenses. 

5. Long-Term Repair

Asphalt repair is relatively inexpensive. Crews can easily re-coat or fill cracks, so you’re looking at a smaller bill with less disruption to your business. 

6. Financial Flexibility 

Because asphalt paving can be done in stages, you’ll have flexibility in how much of the project to complete. By balancing physical and budget needs, you can avoid spending more than you have to. 

When you choose asphalt for your commercial paving needs, you can save your business a great deal of money over time. Reach out to the trusted pavers at Grey-Ruso Construction for a job done right. Visit them online for a free quote or give them a call at (718) 358-1836. 
