
Do you have a junk car taking up space on your property? Spring cleaning is the perfect time to get rid of it. Contact a local scrap yard or metal recycling center and ask about selling your vehicle. While it may be of no use to you, others could be willing to pay a decent price to salvage it for parts.

5 Reasons to Scrap a Junk Car During Spring Cleaning

1. Boosting Curb Appeal

Junk-CarCleaning up your property for spring gives you a chance to boost its overall appearance. Unfortunately, no yard looks its best with a useless car rusting on it. Get rid of it to boost your home’s curb appeal.

2. Recycling

By selling your car to a junkyard, you’ll be doing your part to protect the environment. The more people recycle their old vehicles, the fewer reasons manufacturers have to create new car parts. This conserves resources and reduces the amount of energy used in the manufacturing process.

3. Making Home Improvements

It’s difficult to add extra features to your property with an old car in the way. Once it’s gone from your lawn, you can look into planting a garden in its place or even installing a new gazebo.

4. Making Money

Right now, your junk car may seem worthless. Turn it into cash by scrapping it. Even if it’s not drivable, the parts and materials are often valuable to others.

5. Reducing Stress

A messy property can cause a lot of stress. It’s not ideal to look out on your lawn and see a junk car sitting there. Selling it will eliminate the mental burden of knowing you need to do something about it.


Looking to scrap a junk car in the Thomasville, NC, area? This spring, decide to finally get rid of that old, useless car on your property. You could make good money doing so! Get in touch with the team at T&S Automotive, serving clients within a 40-mile radius since 2000. Contact them online or call (336) 882-7989 to speak with a staff member.
