
Does Your Home Have Excessive Moisture?  

A certain amount of moisture is needed inside a home to maintain a healthy comfort but excessive moisture can create some adverse issues.  Normally, basements and crawlspaces are known to have higher moisture naturally, and are usually the first to become damp and smelly when humidity gets and stays too high, but what about the rest of the house?   It's common knowledge that when it's humid outside, the humidity rises inside our home as well.  What most of us don't realize is some of our routine activities like mopping the floors, bathing, cooking, or doing laundry can also increase the moisture considerably in our homes.  

                                        High Humidity Signs 

Condensation inside on windows & mirrors

Wood floors, trim, or furniture are warping or rotting

Wood doors sticking or not opening/closing properly

Sweating when indoor temperatures are at "normal" setting

Sticky or clammy feeling skin

Musty smell

Visual mold or mildew


Why Get a Dehumidifier?

Besides being more comfortable, a dehumidifier will reduce health issues high humidity can trigger or aggravate like asthma, allergies and other ailments.   Also, excessive moisture is the first ingredient needed to create the perfect environment for insects to breed, mold/mildew to grow, and dust mites to thrive. 

Portable vs. Whole House Dehumidifier

Once we realize we have a moisture problem, it's time to check into dehumidifier options.  Will a portable unit do the trick or will a whole house unit be needed to handle the moisture?  

Portable dehumidifiers are the perfect choice for smaller areas, a specific room, or moving them from room to room.   They also work great if moisture is not consistently excessive and high because they do have to be checked and the collected water emptied manually.

A whole house dehumidifier is installed on the furnace/air handler and is set to automatically control the amount of moisture in your home from the thermostat.  As moisture is removed from the air, it passes  through the attached hose and empties directly into to the drain.  This is a great solution for keeping high humidity problems under control if the entire home is affected.

Ready To Take Control

At ABLE Heat & Cool, we provide cost-effective solutions to help you take control of high humidity and improve the air quality of your home.   By installing a new, whole house dehumidifier, you and your family can relax and enjoy the benefits.  For more information please call 636-528-4794 or visit our website.
