
Whether you’ve made a recent purchase or are looking to remodel, Beausoleil & Sons offers a variety of paving solutions to put the finishing touch on your home. Pavers are one option that comes in multiple shapes and colors to create a unique look compared to typical concrete or asphalt paving. Before deciding on pavers, however, consider these five factors. 

5 Factors to Consider When Paving Your Driveway

1. Cost 

Driveways are a large budget item for residential construction projects, and pavers are the most expensive material to use. Homeowners with a limited up front budget may not be able to afford a paver driveway, especially if working with a large area. The cost will also depend on the chosen material, such as clay or cobblestone. 

2. Durability 

Before eliminating pavers based on cost, you should note that paver driveways can last decades, meaning long-term savings. Buyers with the proper finances should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the higher priced materials. 

3. Maintenance Expectations

pavingDurability will be affected by how well the paver driveway is maintained. By ensuring proper drainage beneath the driveway and completely filling gaps between the pieces, you can prevent much of the potential damage. If damage occurs, pavers offer an advantage as only the single tile needs replacing. 

4. Where You Live 

The temperature and other climate conditions of your area can affect how well pavers withstand time. Homes in wet climates, for example, must pay extra attention to drainage around their driveway, while individuals living in areas of fluctuating temperatures may realize that the pavers crack as they expand and contract throughout the year. Work with your contractor to determine the appropriate material and layout. 

5. Appearance 

Because there are so many options, take your time to ensure the pattern and colors you select will be adored for years to come. Consider how your tastes may change or future renovations you plan on making to the home. 

Whether you decide that pavers or a more traditional option is the right choice for you, the experts at Beausoleil & Sons are ready to assist. Give them a call today at (401) 632-0203 or visit their website to contact them and view pictures of previous work. 
