
Your air conditioning is imperative during the scorching summer months. No matter how hot it gets outside, you can take solace in the fact that you can hide out behind closed doors and let your air conditioning cool you down. Just because the temperatures skyrocket, however, doesn't mean your utility bills need to. With proper air conditioning maintenance, you can keep your costs down and house cool.

4 Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

1. Set Your Thermostat

air conditioning maintenanceUse your thermostat to regulate the temperature in your home. You don't need the cold air to blow constantly when you're not home. Use a programmable thermostat to keep the temperature a little warmer, so your air conditioning is doing less work and costing you less money when you're not there. 

2. Check Your Air Filter

A dirty or clogged filter can cause your air conditioner to work harder, and more energy equals more money. If you're not sure how to clean or replace your filters, contact a professional today.

3. Buy Some Fans

Fans won't do much on their own, but when you use them with your air conditioning, they can help cool down your home. Invest in a couple of inexpensive fans, and use them with your air conditioning to keep the cool air circulating.

4. Keep Up With Air Conditioning Maintenance

Besides the filter, if you feel like you're air conditioning unit isn't working properly, something may be wrong internally. When this happens, your unit won't be as effective, and you'll be looking to buy a new one. Before you dig into your pockets for new appliances, get a checkup. It may be an easy fix that will save you sweat and money.


Valley Mechanical offers plumbing, heating, and air conditioning maintenance and repair services in Naples, NY. Their team of experts works with you on a budget. Visit their website to learn more, or call (585) 374-6866 today.
