
One of the worst structural issues a building can face is an unstable foundation. This problem can damage rooms, facilitate ground seepage and create an unsightly, lopsided appearance. 

Jaco Waterproofing, based in Cincinnati, OH, and Indianapolis, IN, has a staff of construction experts with the experience and training to execute effective, lasting foundation repair. Here, they explain what causes foundations to move in the first place: 

  • foundation repairMaterials: Many home foundations are made up of brick, stone, and cinder and concrete blocks. These materials use mortar joints, which are small pieces that fit together to form a home's base. The problem with mortar joints, however, is that they will drift apart with enough pressure from the surrounding ground. Once mortar joints crack, the building needs foundation repair. 
  • Soil Quality: The soil a home is built on will affect its structural integrity. Houses built landfills, wetlands or sand are especially vulnerable to instability because the soil is not fully compressed. In other words, it can shift and resettle after the home has been built.
  • Water: Perhaps the least surprising culprit behind foundation issues, water has long been a menace to buildings and property. High levels of rainfall can swell soil, causing it to press up against the base. This swollen soil can collapse walls. 

To stay on top of any issues with your home's foundation, contact Jaco Waterproofing. They are highly experienced in foundation repair and will address your problems through a variety of solutions, including stabilization, waterproofing and basement crack repair. Visit their website for an extensive list of services and call (317) 721-9379 for their Indianapolis office or (513) 738-0084 for their Cincinnati location. 

