
An organized, clutter-free closet makes it so much easier to find the perfect outfit and not get lost in racks of unworn items. The closet organizers at Get Organized in Rochester, NY, have seen their fair share of cluttered closets and know the best ways to keep your closet clean and your favorite outfits organized.

Here are seven steps you can take to a clean, clutter-free closet:

  • storage ideasGather Your Supplies: Gather bags or bins and designate them for storage, donations or trash. Once you start decluttering, this will allow you to quickly sort the items that you are not putting back in your closet.
  • Do a Quick Purge: Take two minutes to quickly grab any items in your closet that you know you don’t want and are ready to rid yourself of. This will start you off with a sense of accomplishment and immediately declutter some of your closet space.
  • Set a Timer: If you feel totally overwhelmed when you open your closet door, set a timer to give yourself a concrete window of time to tackle your crowded closet. You can choose to do as little as 15 minutes a day or just set it for 20 minutes to tackle shoes, 20 minutes for accessories, and so on. Trying to beat the clock will help you make quicker decisions and move the process along.
  • Take Everything Out: If you have the time, take everything out of your closet at once. This gives you the opportunity to look over every item and only return the items you really want to keep. It also allows you to clean up any dirt and debris and decide if you want to reorganize shelving and racks.
  • Eliminate All the Extras: Sometimes you can get attached to certain pieces of clothing even if they are out of style or don’t quite fit anymore. If you have any items with tags or clothes that are too big or too small, now is the time to let them go.
  • Organize Shelves & Sections: Once you have decided what is going back into your closet, take the time to decide on new closet organizers or a custom design closet that will display your clothes and accessories where they are organized and easily accessible.  
  • Be Diligent: A few items you don’t wear may make their way back into your closet, so be diligent about setting some time aside every few weeks to take an honest assessment of what is being worn and what isn’t.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by too much stuff in your closets? Contact Get Organized, Rochester’s premier organizing service. Their experienced, professional team of closet organizers will help you gain control over the clutter and give you the tools you need to stay organized. Call (585) 223-3646 to make an appointment, or visit them online for more about all their storage ideas.
