
Whether it’s too sugary, too acidic, or stain causing, there are some foods and drinks people should avoid eating regularly to protect their teeth, no matter how tasty they are. Even with routine trips to the dentistry clinic and proper oral hygiene, tooth decay can still occur if these foods are consumed frequently. Below, the knowledgeable staff at Legacy Dental Arts in Eagle River, AK, discusses five foods you should avoid to protect your teeth.

Skip Emergency Dentistry Procedures: 5 Foods to Stay Away From

1. Hard Candy

Whether you indulge on a toffee-flavored candy or even just an after-dinner mint, hard candies damage your enamel. When you’re sucking on a hard candy, it often sits in one area of your mouth, causing a demineralization effect that creates a large and concentrated buildup of sugar that turns into acid, ruining the surface that protects the entire tooth. Many dental emergencies, like chipped and cracked teeth, often result from consuming hard candy.

2. Citrusy Foods

dentistryWhile it’s high in healthy vitamin C, too much citrus can make you more susceptible to tooth decay because of its acidity. And when you put sugar on top of an already acidic fruit, you create even more acid in your mouth when the sugar breaks down, which is harmful to your teeth. After consuming any sort of citrusy food, drink lots of water.

3. Soda

Carbonated soda is a bad combination of sugar and acid. Drinking sodas too often is not only unhealthy, but also damaging to the enamel of your teeth. Dentists say it’s best to limit your intake, and drink a glass of water if you do open up a can of pop.

4. Dried Fruit

Because it’s fruit, many people assume dried fruit is good for them. However, there are two reasons why you don’t want to add this snack to your lunch every day. The first reason is dried fruit often has added sugar in it, which can lead to tooth decay. The second reason is because of how sticky it is. Sticky foods tend to stay in the crevices of your teeth long after you’ve finished your snack. This increases the risk of tooth decay.

5. Popcorn

Although it’s a movie-watching staple, dentistry providers actually recommend you avoid this salty treat because of the kernels. Popcorn kernels can be harmful whether they’re popped or not. The un-popped ones can easily crack a tooth, while the popped kernels can get stuck in your gums, which can be painful and problematic.

Even if you avoid these five foods, it’s still important to see the dentist regularly to maintain your oral health. Located in Eagle River, Alaska, the highly skilled team at Legacy Dental Arts offers teeth whitening, dental implants, and wisdom teeth removal, among other services. For more information, contact the helpful staff at (907) 622­-7874 or visit them online.
