
You have your vacation plans in order, and you already have a visual of the outfits you’ll wear to that spring wedding and those summer pool parties. But is your heating and cooling system prepared for the season?

The HVAC technicians at Green Mountain Heating & Air Conditioning, based in Lakewood, CO, want you to be comfortable all season long. That starts with a rundown of the essential tasks needed to ensure that your air conditioning system is in great shape. If you’re not sure where to begin, start with this helpful checklist.

Prepare Your Heating and Cooling System for Spring

1. Replace the Filters

One of the main reasons air conditioners cease to function at optimal levels is because the filters are clogged with dust and debris. When this happens, the HVAC system works overtime to cool your home and drives up your energy bills. Ideally, they should be changed at least every three months to allow sufficient air to filter through and cool your home.

2. Clear the Outdoor Unit

Lakewood, CO heating and coolingHow does the space surrounding your outdoor unit look? If it’s crowded with leaves, dirt, twigs, branches, and other debris, the unit’s efficiency can be severely impacted. Clear it out so there’s no conflict—and so an HVAC technician has sufficient space to work.

3. Call a Professional

The best way to determine whether your heating and cooling system is ready for spring is to call a technician. A professional will ensure there’s enough refrigerant in your air conditioning system and provide a thorough inspection and tuneup. If any problems exist, they’ll provide a solution before it gets unbearably hot outside.

Is your air conditioner up to the task? Get in touch with the AC repair team at Green Mountain Heating & Air Conditioning and take a proactive approach to your warm-weather comfort. Visit the website to learn more about the company’s air conditioning services, or call (303) 985-4884 to schedule an appointment.
