
People rarely talk about their foot ailments, which tends to make others believe these maladies are not as common as they are. According to the foot and ankle specialists at Podiatry Associates of Rochester, almost everyone will experience foot pain at some point in their life. They help their Monroe County, NY, patients recognizing the early signs of a problem, so they can seek treatment and prevent pain.

Here, the clinic’s doctors share three of the most common issues they treat:

  • Bunions: A bunion is a bony bump that sticks out from the side of your foot, often at the base of the big toe. Some common causes are wearing high heels or shoes that are too small, arthritis, and unusual stress on the foot. Bunions can be painful. You may notice redness and swelling in the area before developing a bump that hurts to touch.
  • foot and ankle specialist Rochester NYPlantar Fasciitis: The plantar fascia is the ligament that runs through the bottom of your foot and supports the arch by connecting your toes to the heel bone. When this ligament is strained, swollen, or otherwise irritated, walking can become painful. This type of strain is the most common cause of heel pain and is particularly prevalent in athletes and middle-aged people. If your foot pain makes your first steps in the morning unbearable or gets worse over the course of the day, see a foot and ankle specialist to determine whether you have plantar fasciitis.
  • Swollen Feet & Ankles: If your feet and ankles swell after a long day of walking or standing, you may have a condition known as edema. This condition may stem from an injury, pregnancy, or illness like heart or liver disease. Edema can only be cured by addressing the cause of the swelling. However, a foot and ankle specialist can help you minimize the swelling while treating its underlying cause.  

The most important thing you can do for your foot and ankle health is to pay attention to how these parts look and feel. Sudden changes may indicate an injury or illness. If this happens to you, visit a podiatry office to find out what’s wrong and develop a course of treatment.

If foot pain and swelling make it difficult for you to keep up with your daily activities, schedule a consultation with the foot and ankle specialists at Podiatry Associates of Rochester. Call (585) 342-8700 to schedule an appointment. Visit their website to learn more about their services.
