
Out of nowhere, a big storm can blow through without warning, complete with heavy rains and high winds. Unfortunately, bad weather can wreak havoc on your property, leaving behind anything from broken tree branches to roof damage. If you suspect you have a roof leak after a storm, Cincinnati, OH’s Walter St. Clair Roofing offers a few steps to protect your home from more trouble.

5 Steps to Take If You Have a Roof Leak After a Storm

Inspect Early

Don’t wait too long after bad weather to inspect your roof. Less damage will occur if you catch roof leaks early. Contain the damage as soon as you can, and take the proper measures to prevent any new leaks from springing up.

Signs & Signals

Check for obvious signs of damage that may lead to roof repair. Besides signs of water inside your home, hail may leave holes or dents in the shingles. An excess amount of debris in recently cleaned gutters may indicate pieces of the roof are filtering down. Any holes or missing shingles can lead to more damage and bigger roof leaks.

Clean Up

If water from a roof leak is present, clean up as soon as possible to keep damage at a minimum and stop mold and mildew from growing. Water damage leads to many issues besides wet property. Mold and mildew from a leak can cause health issues to your family.

Call the Professionals

roof leakHave your roofing contractor inspect your property as soon as you can so you can assess the damage and get an estimate on what repairs are necessary. You will also need this information if insurance needs to be involved.

Repair Damage

Whether or not you go through your insurance, you still will need to fix the damage and prevent further roof leaks. Temporary patches are good until the professionals can repair your roof completely, but don’t rely on them. Putting the time and money in now will prevent bigger headaches later.

Family-owned and -operated since 1923, Walter St. Clair Roofing offers services for roof leaks, gutter repair, skylights, and more. A Better Business Bureau-accredited company, this roofing contractor prides itself on quality roofing techniques and friendly customer care. For a free estimate, call (513) 641-3265 or visit them online.
