
Ohio recognizes DUIs as OVIs (operating a vehicle under the influence), and while the same laws apply, it’s important to know the specifics. Attorneys at Lane, Felix & Raisbeck Co. in Cincinnati advise that there are many directions an OVI case can go, and understanding your rights is essential. Many people turn to a DUI lawyer for help, as their intimate knowledge of the laws can drastically affect OVI consequences. Check out a few important pieces of information below.

If you’re charged, an OVI is qualified on a “low” or “high” scale—however, the base qualifications are the same. For a low test, your blood-alcohol concentration must be .169 or below for a breath test or blood test, .237 or below for a urine test, or .203 for a blood serum or plasma test. Anything over qualifies as a “high” test and comes with stiffer consequences. If you’re under 21 years old, the legal limit drops to .02. Understanding this scale is crucial if you’re going to court, as many dismissible factors can affect blood-alcohol concentration.

dui lawyer If you undergo tests and qualify for an OVI, you’re subject to a range of fines and suspensions based on a low or high test. For either, you’re facing a fine between $375-$1075, and your license can be suspended for up to three years with a minimum of a 1-year suspension. For a high test, you’ll also have to display yellow OVI license plates on your car. The extent of this punishment is debatable in court, which is why you should have a DUI lawyer at your side to help plead down fines or suspension times if possible.

It’s best to hire legal assistance if facing a DUI/OVI charge, so contact a DUI lawyer at Lane, Felix & Raisbeck Co. A defense attorney will work closely with you through each step of your case and help to achieve the best possible outcome. Call (513) 922-7700 today schedule a consultation and visit their website to learn more about their criminal defense services.
