
As we age, there comes a time when you’ll require a little extra assistance with the activities of daily life. Depending on your needs, elderly care within an assisted living community could be an excellent option. When seniors in the greater Wisconsin Rapids, WI, area, are looking for a comfortable living situation with excellent amenities and services, they choose Wellington Home of Wisconsin. As the region’s best senior community, they often walk potential residents and their families through the transitional process. 

4 FAQs About Assisted Living Answered by Wisconsin’s Best Source for Elderly Care

Who Lives in Assisted Living?

Assisted living facilities house a wide range of senior residents. Some may suffer from limited mobility, memory loss, or mild Alzheimer’s. Others might need a little help with daily tasks and personal hygiene. While the average age of residents in a senior living community is 84, this number can vary significantly. 

Can Assisted Living Residents Go on Vacation?

Assisted LivingResidents in a senior living community are welcome to go on vacation or have weekend visits with family members. In fact, independence and outings are encouraged. Just be sure to include contact information so you can be reached for any medical issues or questions. 

Can You Live in a Senior Living Facility If You Have Mobility Issues?

You can live within an elderly community if you are wheelchair bound or if you use a walker to get around. When touring your future residence, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your unique needs with an administrator so they can better understand what’s right for you. 

Are There Specific Visiting Hours?

Living within a senior community is similar to living in your own home with added services and help from caregivers. There are no set hours for visiting. You and your guests are welcome to come and go on your own schedule.

If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about the elderly care options available at this trusted assisted living facility, call Wellington Home of Wisconsin today at (715) 423-5600 to speak with a helpful member of their team. For additional insight on this senior living home, check out their website
