
As parents, your children’s educations are at the top of your priority list. Few things matter more than encouraging learners. Many parents, however, are unaware of the importance their involvement is in their child’s preschool education. Preschool program developers urge parents to be an active and involved part of their child’s experience. The teachers at High Point Friends School in North Carolina explain why your involvement matters. 

Top 3 Reasons Why Parental Involvement in Preschool Education Matters  

Understanding Your Child’s Development 

preschoolPreschool is the beginning of decades of education for your child and is often your first chance to see where you child fits in among his or her peers. Watching them interact and learn with other kids will give you a glimpse into the unique ways they learn and their skills and weaknesses. These will likely continue through middle school, and knowing how your child learns best will allow you to be their biggest advocate as they advance through their schooling. 

Fostering Social Connections 

For kids between the ages of 2 and 5, social interaction is the biggest learning opportunity available. At this age, you are the driver of your child’s social life. How are you supposed to help your child foster friendships and social connections with their peers if you are not an active presence in their school? Being known and letting yourself get to know the other children and their parents allows you to help facilitate play dates and other social outings that build vital connections with peers. 

Building Your Image as Their Ally From The Start 

It is often assumed that a parent’s involvement in a child’s academics and presence at the school is an indication of trouble. Help combat this misconception by building a positive association for your child from the start of their schooling. Show them that you’re their biggest ally by showing up regularly at their preschool to celebrate the successes.

Whether you’re looking to enroll your child in preschool or are wondering how to increase your involvement in their education, call (336) 886-5516, or visit the High Point Friends School website to learn more about the school’s philosophy. 
