
The stress of divorce is even worse when you also have to worry about losing custody of your child. If you and your ex-spouse can't agree on an arrangement, it will be up to the court to decide. While they will take your divorce attorney's recommendations into consideration, the court will also be looking at other factors. The law experts at Arndt Buswell & Thorn S.C. in Sparta, WI, lists several ways you can improve your chances in a child custody case.

Tips for Handling Custody Disputes

1. Consider Your Child's Welfare

divorce attorneyThe court's primary concern in custody cases is the child’s well-being. They'll look at the home environment, your plans for childcare, your means of providing for the child, and the child’s age. As you plan your case, think about what's best for your kid and act accordingly.

2. Fulfill All Your Legal Obligations

If you're required to pay child support or alimony, don't make your former spouse go to collections to get it. Dodging your obligations will not count in your favor in the eyes of the court.

3. Don't Give Your Ex Ammunition

Don't fight with your former spouse. Don't speak badly of your ex to your children or in front of them. In fact, be careful who you complain to in general; word may get back to your ex. If the court believes you are attempting to alienate your children from their other parent, it will count against you.

4. Prepare for Your Case

Document your efforts to improve your relationship with your children, as well as any events that may show the other parent is unfit. Improve your parenting skills by taking relevant classes, and document those as well. If you can provide dates, times, and details, your testimony will be more credible.

5. Consult With a Divorce Attorney

Even with the facts on your side, a poorly presented case will result in a loss. A family law professional with experience in divorce and custody cases can help you avoid common pitfalls and present your case in an effective way.

If you need a divorce attorney, contact the full-service law firm with over 25 years of experience Arndt Buswell & Thorn S.C. Call (608) 269-1200 for their Sparta location or (608) 486-2324 for their Bangor, WI, office. Visit them online for more on their legal services. 
