
Amazon Construction in Pearl City, Hawaii, has been providing demolition services to both residential and commercial clients for more than 35 years. As it turns out, the differences between these projects are more striking than you may expect. Here are answers to some common questions about the types of demolition.

Commercial vs. Residential Demolition

1. What is Considered Residential or Commercial?

Residential demolition services target single-family homes, but may also be used for larger multi-unit dwellings. The term “commercial demolition,” on the other hand, applies to services that raze buildings like malls and offices once intended for business use.

Demolition2. Are Different Processes & Machinery Used?

Because commercial demolition projects are large-scale undertakings, they may require significantly heavier machinery. In the case of enormous buildings, explosives may be used. Demolishing a home will require more care and precision, especially if there are neighboring homes close. The space where a house formerly sat may also need grading afterward if the terrain around it is uneven and a larger building will be built over it; a commercial lot in a city center likely already has even ground.

3. How Do They Differ Logistically?

A demolition company may use different points of contact depending on the services being provided. For instance, they may consult directly with the homeowners on a residential project, whereas commercial projects could require collaboration with a general contractor.

4. How Are They Alike?

In the end, what they do is tear down old buildings and clear space for new structures to be built. The underlying principles are the same, and a skilled company will have the tools and knowledge to handle both.

For more information about Amazon Construction’s building demolition services, visit them online. or call them at (808) 841-6595. They can also be found on Facebook.
