
If you're missing teeth, you have more than just a cosmetic problem on your hands. Gaps increase the risk of your adjacent teeth shifting or even falling out, as well as contributing to the deterioration of your jawbone. Thankfully, there are several options to replace missing teeth, including dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants. Here, the cosmetic dentists at Waterford Dental Health in New London County, CT, discuss each of these options in more detail to help you figure out which is right for you. 

Cosmetic Dentists List 3 Tooth Replacement Options

1. Dental Bridges

A fixed dental bridge is a prosthetic that fills the gap in your smile with a natural-looking false tooth called a pontic. The pontic is supported by the healthy teeth on either side using crowns, which form the ends of the bridge. A fixed bridge feels natural and secure and will prevent the adjacent teeth from drifting into the gap.

2. Dentures

If you're missing more than just one or two teeth, a full or partial denture may be the best option to restore your smile. Dentures replace a row of missing teeth with an attractive, natural-looking prosthetic. As the design of dentures advances, new ways are being found to hold them firmly in place without sliding, falling out, or feeling unstable. One of the best ways to keep dentures fixed in place is with dental implants.

3. Dental Implants

dental implantsA dental implant is the most advanced tooth replacement option available. It consists of a small titanium post that takes the place of the tooth root in your jawbone and supports a single crown or a small bridge. A set of implants can even support a full denture. In addition to providing the benefits of the other replacement options, dental implants help stimulate your jawbone and prevent deterioration. They are placed using sedation dentistry to keep you comfortable during the procedure.

You don't have to live with a missing tooth. Call Waterford Dental Health today to arrange an evaluation and discuss your options with an experienced cosmetic dentist. You can reach them at (860) 447-2235 or by visiting them online.
