
Car chip keys, or transponder keys, are part of a vehicle’s anti-theft system. It’s one of the best security measures that prevent a robber from being able to start your car even when they’re already inside. You can get one with the help of a reliable automotive locksmith. 

Those who are considering switching to car chip keys can turn to Black’s Hardware of Rochester, NY. The store offers quality locksmith services, including key cutting and programming keys for auto locks. They also have a wide selection of hardware products, tools, electrical supplies, and houseware.

car chip keysHow Does a Car Chip Key Work?

Car chip keys were first introduced on the market during the early 1990s. It was during this time that the theft rate for cars and motorcycles skyrocketed. Car chip keys were launched to help insurance companies cut down the number of theft cases.

This security device relies on a small, customized microchip that is embedded inside a key’s plastic head. The said chip transmits and receives radio signals to and from a vehicle’s computer. If the signal is correct, it will allow the vehicle to operate. Chip keys can also be customized for modern gates and garage doors.

How Can I Get It Duplicated or Replaced?

It’s important to have a spare car chip key in case you misplace the one you have. The duplicate needs to be programmed to your vehicle or cloned from the existing chip key. A professional locksmith has the skills and equipment to provide you with an extra set. 

Those who need to replace or duplicate their car chip keys can trust the experts at Black’s Hardware. You can also find a huge selection of plumbing parts and tools from this hardware store. Call them today at (585) 544-9896 or visit their website for more information.
