
Effective communication is the key to healthy, happy relationships with others, including your spouse, children, and coworkers. Unfortunately, for many of us, our communication skills are lacking, which can add strain to our relationships. At Counseling Solutions of Alaska in Anchorage, their therapists and counselors can help you understand and learn the art of effective communication, which will benefit relationships in every part of your life.

3 Ways to Start Improving Your Communication Skills Today

1. Listen to Understand

In today’s world, we are more focused on when it’s our turn to talk. As soon as we hear the other person say something relatable, we either interrupt them or stop listening to remember what we want to say when they finish. Improving your communication skills starts with listening to understand, rather than listening to talk.

Focus on what someone else is saying, and show you are paying attention by making small, non-interruptive comments. Wait to speak until they have finished talking, and provide them with feedback.

Communication Skills2. Pay Attention to Nonverbal Cues

Our body language often says far more than we say with our mouths. Not only should you pay attention to the other person’s nonverbal cues, but you should make use of them as well. If you want the other person to be open and accepting of what you have to say, don’t sit with your arms crossed and avoid eye contact. Your body language should reflect the topic you are discussing as well as your attitude toward the subject and the other person.

3. Practice Stress Relief Techniques

Having conversations when we are feeling stressed can lead to saying things we might regret. While knowing what to do at the moment is important, such as taking a second or two to breathe deeply and collect your thoughts, overall stress management is also essential. Take time for yourself on a regular basis to do things you find relaxing, such as reading a book or going for a bike ride.

If you struggle with your communication skills, visit Counseling Solutions of Alaska online to learn more about how they can help. Whether you want a one-on-one session or are interested in couples or family therapy, they can provide you with a solution that will put your relationships on a better path. Give them a call at (907) 644-8044 when you’re ready to take the next step.
