
Whether you’re snacking on junk food or drinking excessive amounts of carbonated beverages, your diet and food choices have a direct impact on the state of your oral health. To protect your mouth from disease, it’s important to make the right food choices.

Below, cosmetic dentists share four food choices that can affect your oral health:

  • Dairy Products: Dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, are a major source of calcium and protein, which help to strengthen your tooth enamel. Yogurt also offers probiotics, which is good bacteria that can replace the bad bacteria in your mouth and prevent diseases.
  • cosmetic-dentistCrunchy Fruits: Fruits, like apples and pears, contain a higher water content, stimulating the flow of saliva in your mouth. Saliva rinses the bacteria in your mouth and protects you from tooth decay. The texture of crunchy fruits also helps massage the gums in your mouth, a good temporary substitute for brushing until you get home.
  • Sweet Snacks: Unlike the previous foods, sweet snacks, including candy and pastries, are detrimental to the health of your mouth. The high content of sugar causes it to stick to your teeth, contributing to the development of tooth decay.
  • Sugar Beverages: Soda and fruit drinks with high fructose corn syrup expose your teeth to too much sugar. Soda is also very acidic and can strip away the enamel of your teeth.

If it’s time to schedule a routine cleaning or you need emergency dental care, call (860) 447-2235 to schedule an appointment with one of the experienced cosmetic dentists at Waterford Dental Health. You can also visit the website for more information about the practice or to browse the comprehensive list of treatments and services.
