
If you’re a first-time pet owner, you may wonder why so many animal health experts advocate spaying or neutering dogs and cats. This important form of pet surgery offers many benefits for your pet and animal welfare in general, which the caring staff from Liberty Veterinary Hospital explores below. Their dedicated animal hospital staff is committed to providing pet owners in Liberty Township, OH, with the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on keeping their pets healthy, happy, and safe.

Why Is Spaying or Neutering an Important Pet Surgery?

pet surgeryReduce Health Risks

Female dogs and cats can benefit tremendously from being spayed. Called an ovariohysterectomy, this pet surgery protects animals from urine infections, possible complications from pregnancy, and even potentially deadly illnesses such as mammary cancer.

Stop Spraying

Male cats are particularly notorious for marking their territory with odorous urine. While this is natural in an outdoor setting, the last thing you’d want is for your furniture to be marked by a spraying cat. Male dogs may mark as well, so neutering your male pet is a healthy, effective way to stop the behavior.

Control the Population

One of the saddest things to witness is when unplanned puppies or kittens wind up in a shelter. The most effective and proactive way to control the population is to spay and neuter all dogs and cats before they are able to reproduce. Additionally, animals that haven’t been neutered may be more likely to escape in search of mating partners, which could put them in danger when they’re out of your sight.

Ultimately, spaying and neutering are standard pet surgeries which can help your dog or cat lead a long, happy life. If you’re a responsible pet owner who would like to set up an appointment for your pet’s procedure, call (513) 755-9700 or visit Liberty Veterinary Hospital online to learn more about dog and cat health.
