
After nearly 20 years in the residential or commercial HVAC service industry, Muotka Mechanical, the most trusted and reliable heating contractor in Anchorage, AK, has identified the four most common HVAC service problems. Here, they discuss the warning signs and explain how to handle these issues efficiently and affordably. 

4 Residential or Commercial HVAC Service Issues & How to Handle Them

1. System Nearing End of Expected Lifespan

As a system nears the end of its expected lifespan, the more it makes sense to replace it instead of attempting to repair it. However, an aging air conditioner can continue to operate efficiently with the installation of an advanced digital economizer control unit, a retrofit that makes your air conditioner "smarter."

2. Poor Ventilation & Indoor Air Quality

commercial HVAC systemWeak airflow and poor indoor air quality can make home life miserable and reduce workplace productivity considerably. One solution is to hire a residential or commercial HVAC service to install a ventilation upgrade. For instance, demand control ventilation uses timers, motion sensors, or other methods to determine periods of greater building occupancy and larger demand for fresh air.

3. Increasing Energy Expenditures

Should utility bills rise, the first step is to check if there has been a rate increase. If not, compare usage to previous cycles. If usage and rates are unchanged, the cost differential is likely a result of HVAC inefficiency. Have a residential or commercial HVAC service perform an inspection to diagnose the problem.

4. Noticeable Hot or Cold Spots

Uneven heating and cooling could be caused by something like blocked or dirty registers, filters, or return vents. Check these first before calling in the professionals. If these are not the problem, it may be a problem with your ductwork or something a simple HVAC tune-up could resolve.

Muotka Mechanical in Anchorage, AK, has built a reputation for exceptional residential or commercial HVAC service among its loyal customers in the region. To learn more, visit them online for contact info, or call (907) 344-8825 to discuss your issues with a friendly, knowledgeable professional.
