
Many first-time dog owners are unaware their pet is just as susceptible to allergies as they are. According to the veterinarians at Mililani Town Center Pet Clinic in Hawaii, canine atopic dermatitis is common in dogs and is often caused by dust mites, mold and pollen.

When dogs have an allergic reaction to these airborne allergens, it can cause excessive scratching, hair loss, greasy or flaky skin and a compulsion to chew their paws, groin and armpits. The longer the dog scratches and bites at their skin the more likely they are to develop an infection. 

Your dog isn’t happy whenveterinarians-mililani-hi it’s spending most of its time scratching itself. You might even notice them losing interest in their favorite toys or games. To relieve the itching sensation, pet doctors are prescribing Cytopoint, a single injection that helps target and control the itch for four to eight weeks. After injection, your veterinarian should set up a new appointment for four weeks in the future. This allows them to get your daily behavior report and determine how well the injection is working.

Dogs with serious atopic dermatitis may require treatment more often than those with minor to moderate allergies. Your dog might require Cytopoint treatment during only allergy season if their sensitivity hasn’t developed to a year-round disease.

If you think your dog is suffering from allergies and want to help them find relief, contact the veterinarians at Mililani Town Center Pet Clinic today. To schedule an appointment, call (808) 625-6744. You can also learn more about these pet doctors and their services by visiting their website and Facebook page.
