
It’s a situation many drivers find themselves in: your vehicle seems to be performing fine, and suddenly the “check engine” light comes on. What now? Unless you’re a trained auto repair specialist, you probably don’t know what your next step should be. To understand what you should be doing next, it helps to understand the nature of your check engine light a little more.

Car Repair Experts Explain the Check Engine Light

The check engine light on the dashboard can indicate a wide variety of potential issues. It comes on when the electronic control system identifies a problem that it is unable to properly adjust. The system signals for the light to activate, and stores an error code in its database. An auto repair team can use this error code to diagnose the problem.

Sometimes, the check engine light will remain illuminated. Other times, it will blink. When this happens, it typically indicates that there has been a major engine misfire. Although you should always have a car repair expert check your vehicle when the light comes on, it’s especially important to get immediate attention when the light is blinking.

Auto-Repair-Stillwater-MNHowever, if it isn’t, there are some steps you can take on your own first to potentially identify the problem yourself. Check your dashboard to see if any other lights have come on, and check your gauges for any irregularities. You’re looking to see if there are any other indicators telling you that your oil pressure is low or your engine is overheating. If you do notice any of these warning signs, pull over to a safe spot and turn the engine off to let it rest.

Other potential solutions to your problem include tightening the gas cap, reducing your speed, or reducing the weight load in the car. If you try these and they don’t work, head to an auto repair shop as soon as possible so the professionals can have a look.


Looking for a reliable auto shop in the Washington County, MN area? Head to Stillwater Auto Clinic, where you’ll enjoy superior service. Contact them online to learn more about what they do or call (651) 351-7188.
