
Strong tooth enamel is fundamental to a bright, healthy smile. Even with regular brushing and flossing, there are a number of things that can break down your enamel and cause decay. Cincinnati, Ohio’s top family dentist, Dr. Robert Petrtyl, is here to explain a few things to do to strengthen your teeth.

4 Tips for Strong Teeth 

1. Cut Down on the Sugar

Sugar is one of the leading causes of tooth decay. Whether you’re sipping on a soda or digging into a donut, all that sugar adds a layer of bacteria on your teeth. The acid they produce eats away at your tooth’s enamel. If you’re serious about strengthening your enamel, you need to kick your processed sugar habit. 

dentist2. Eat Well

Eating cleaner, more nutritious foods can help your teeth—and the rest of your body—remain strong and healthy. Consuming plenty of fibrous vegetables will help clean your teeth and nourish your body. Dairy products like milk and yogurt contain calcium and phosphorous, which re-mineralize your tooth’s enamel.

3. Quit Grinding

Many people grind their teeth while they’re asleep or while stressed during the day. This condition is called bruxism. Over time, this impulsive habit can significantly erode your enamel. If you grind your teeth, then resolve to quit immediately. If you do it at night, talk to your dentist about a custom-fit mouth guard.

4. Visit Your Dentist Regularly 

Visiting your dentist for annual or bi-annual teeth cleanings and checkups will help you maintain optimal oral health. From your tooth enamel to the health of your gums, a quality dentist will help you maintain strong and bright pearly whites. 

For a stunning and healthy smile, visit Cincinnati’s top dentist. To schedule an appointment, call the practice of Dr. Robert Petrtyl today at (513) 554-4657. For more information about general and restorative dentistry, visit their website.  
