
Your septic system is designed to operate, so you rarely have to think about it. However, to prevent problems and handle your home's waste disposal needs properly, you must have the septic tank pumped occasionally.

Gecko Enterprises, the septic system and sump pump experts in Oahu, HI, discuss some of the reasons why septic pumping is crucial in the sections below:

Septic Tank Pumping Improves System Performance

Regularly pumping your septic tank removes non-biodegradable items that may be taking up space and inhibiting the performance of your septic system. For instance, your tank may be overflowing with feminine hygiene products, diapers, wet naps, and other items that the beneficial bacteria processing waste simply cannot break down. This means your tank fills up too quickly and impedes its effectiveness.

Septic Tank Pumping Prevents Clogs

Sump pump Clogs occur when your tank becomes overly full and solid waste materials enter the outflow pipes that lead to the drain field. When the outflow pipes clog, processed liquids cannot exit the tank for dispersal into the drain field. This causes your tank to fill more rapidly and leads to other significant problems.

Septic Tank Pumping Prevents Waste Backups

Human waste has nowhere to go and starts backing up into the home when your outflow pipes clog and your septic tank overfills. This creates not only a disgusting mess but also a serious health hazard since solid waste materials contain many dangerous bacteria. Regular septic tank pumping prevents this from happening and helps protect the health of your family.

Gecko Enterprises are sump pump and septic system specialists serving the island of Oahu, HI. They offer prompt service and top quality results at competitive rates. Visit the website for contact information, or call (808) 637-3240 to discuss your waste management and sump pump needs with a friendly, attentive professional.
