
A baseline mammogram serves as a first glance at your breast health—an accurate image with which to compare future assessments and identify gradual changes in your body. These tests are not just performed to look for signs of cancer or disease, but rather to get an idea of the patient’s health and establish a healthy starting point to refer to down the road. If you have a family history of breast cancer, a baseline mammogram is crucial. Radiologists at Monroe, NY’s Hudson Valley Imaging are proud to provide local patients and doctors with these reference points of breast health.

While many women assume they don’t need to schedule a mammogram until the age of 40, it pays to start monitoring your breast health as early as possible. Radiology is an invaluable tool for determining your current condition as well as your risk of developing diseases in the future.

mammogramEven if you don’t have a family history of breast cancer, you should consider scheduling your first baseline mammogram around the age of 35. If the women in your family do have a diagnosed history of breast cancer, err on the side of caution—you can arrange your first screening as early as your late twenties. Once you are over the age of 40, you need to schedule routine mammogram screenings each year.

Early detection of breast cancer is complicated, but it’s certainly possible if you and your radiologist take the time to survey your breast health over a number of years. Because cancer can exist without manifesting symptoms for some time, it’s crucial for all women to receive a baseline mammogram before they turn 40. That way, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your specialist is thoroughly and consistently monitoring your breast health.

If you live in Monroe, NY, and have yet to arrange a baseline mammogram, consider working with the compassionate team of experts at Hudson Valley Imaging. Visit them online or give them a call today at (845) 220-2222.
