
You rely on your home insulation to keep you comfortable year-round, but did you know that the material sometimes needs to be updated?  Depending on your home’s age, the insulation may no longer provide the level of protection you need. The insulation experts at American Roofing in Anchorage, AK, can help you find a product that keeps your home more comfortable and energy-efficient throughout the year.

Here, the team provides three reasons why you should consider updating your home insulation this year.

Reduced Heating & Cooling Costs

When you update your insulation with the most advanced products, you can potentially save hundreds of dollars a year on your heating and cooling costs. Installing new insulation can prevent energy loss through your walls and roof. Your heating and cooling system won't have to work as hard to maintain your desired temperature, so you can expect your energy costs to decrease.

Improved Air Quality

home insulation Anchorage AKNew home insulation prevents drafts from occurring and helps keep humidity out, so you can enjoy your house in any season. Eliminating drafts can also keep air contaminants like pollen out of your home, improving your indoor air quality.

Increased Home Value

New home insulation can be used as a selling point if you decide to sell in the future. Buyers want homes with energy-efficient features including new insulation. Potential buyers may want to see the results of an energy audit before making an offer. Updated insulation will increase your home's audit rating—and you may be able to increase your asking price and enjoy a faster sale.

Update your home insulation by calling the experts at American Roofing. The Anchorage-based company specializes in roofing and whole-house insulation installation, including the attic. Call the experienced team at (907) 345-8700 and learn more about their full range of services on their website.
