
If you’ve ever found yourself wrestling to open the door with your hands full, you know exactly how convenient sliding glass doors can be. Apart from this, they also allow you to enjoy a view of your property from the inside with little to no obstruction and lend a classy appeal to any room. If not properly maintained, however, sliding glass doors can be inefficient in trapping heat and saving energy.

Shepard’s Glass has a team of skilled contractors who offer excellent glass products and services, specializing in the installation of windows and doors. Based in Kalispell, MT, this company has been glazing and repairing glass since 1949. Their experts share some tips on how to determine when it’s time to replace your sliding glass doors.

When You Feel a Draft In the Room

A draft can not only make your home feel less comfortable but can also waste a lot of energy. Run your hands along the perimeter of your sliding door to see if cold air passes through. If you feel cold air passing through the crevices of your sliding door, it might be time to have it replaced. Investing in a high-quality replacement today can save you a lot of money in the long run.

sliding-glass-doorsWhen You See Spaces & Gaps In Between the Doors

Be on the lookout for spaces and gaps in between the panels of your sliding glass doors. Gaps will allow a draft to penetrate your home and can even cause leaks during the rainy months. You can try to have the panels adjusted to eliminate the gaps, but if an adjustment doesn’t resolve the issue, take it as a sign that your sliding doors have reached the end of their service life.

When You’re Having Difficulty Opening & Closing the Doors

Sliding doors are designed to open and close effortlessly. If you are experiencing difficulty in doing so, there might be something wrong with the tracks. Sticky sliding doors are not only inconvenient but can also be a safety hazard. In the event of an emergency, your family might have a hard time evacuating the premises if the doors get stuck.

If your sliding glass doors exhibit any of these signs, get in touch with Shepard’s Glass. Aside from providing reliable commercial and residential glass services, they also offer top-of-the-line wood and vinyl windows at affordable prices. Call (406) 755-4540 or visit their website today to book an appointment.
