
If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, you are not alone. Living with sensitive teeth can make it difficult to eat and drink hot or cold foods and beverages. Restorative dental services can minimize sensitivity, but what causes it in the first place? The dentists from High Point Smile Dentistry in North Carolina are here explain why you may have sensitive teeth.

dentistEnamel Erosion

Your teeth are covered by a hard layer of protective enamel at the crowns. Beneath the enamel is the porous dentin, full of tubules that hold the nerve endings of your teeth. When the enamel of your teeth wears down, it can leave the nerves of your teeth unprotected, resulting in tooth sensitivity. Enamel erosion is most often caused by consuming too many acidic foods and beverages such as sodas, fruit juices, and pickled foods. However, your enamel may also begin to wear down due to tooth grinding, acid reflux, or genetics. Although there is no way to naturally restore damaged enamel, your dentist can perform dental bonding or add a crown to stop the sensitivity and prevent further erosion.

Gum Disease

Just as your enamel protects the crown of your teeth, your gums protect the roots and nerves stored there. Gum disease, or gingivitis, can cause your gums to recede or your teeth to decay, exposing the sensitive root of your teeth and making activities such as brushing and flossing your teeth uncomfortable. Gum disease can be caused by genetics, but is most often due to poor dental hygiene or habits. Your dentist can correct gum disease and stop the associated tooth sensitivity through periodontic treatment.

Tooth Damage

The dentin or root of your teeth can also be exposed due to damage such as a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth. If you have recently damaged your tooth due to injury, visit your dentist as soon as possible so they can restore the damage. However, waiting or allowing the chip or crack to persist may cause further sensitivity.

If you are currently suffering from a toothache or tooth sensitivity, call High Point Smile Dentistry at (336) 884-4000 to make an appointment with one of their dentists. For more information on restorative dental services, visit the High Point Smile Dentistry website to learn more. 
