
A septic system is an effective, efficient way to dispose of wastewater from your home. But if you don't take care of your septic tank, it can become broken or clogged, leading to a mess and health hazards. To keep your system working smoothly, J & J Septic & Sewer Cleaning in Waterloo, IL, recommends following these seven tips.

Keeping Your Septic System Healthy

1. Know Where It Is

septic systemKnow where your septic tank is, where it can be accessed, and which area makes up the drain field. Keep a record of these locations on hand, including measurements, so you'll never be in doubt. You’ll need this information when making decisions about your property and when having the tank emptied or repaired.

2. Keep the Area Clear

Don't put anything heavy on top of where your septic tank and drain field are buried. Do not drive, park, or build anything — whether it be a porch or a shed — on this area, as this can cause significant damage.

3. Be Careful What You Plant

Grass and similarly short-rooted plants are OK, but if you plant shrubs or trees too close to your septic system, the roots will damage it. Keep large plants well away from your septic tank.

4. Monitor Your Water Use

The less water goes down your drain, the less your septic system must process. Install water-saving devices, such as low-flow shower heads, and pay attention to how much water you use, especially all at once.

5. Direct Drains Away

Aim gutters and drains away from your septic tank and drainage field, if possible. Your septic system relies on the drainage field to let wastewater filter naturally through the soil. Excess water can saturate the area and make it harder for the septic system to do its job.

6. Be Careful What You Flush

Everything that goes down your toilet or drains that isn't a liquid will stay in the tank until it's pumped. This includes plastic, cotton, and large masses of food — any of which can clog the system.

7. Pump Regularly

Septic tank pumping should occur every three to five years, depending on how heavily the tank is used. This is not a chore you can put off. The tank fills with solid waste over time. The more it fills, the longer it will take to process wastewater and the greater risk you run of the system backing up.

If you need to arrange septic tank pumping in the Waterloo area, call J & J Septic & Sewer Cleaning. They will keep your system in top condition and prevent any nasty problems from popping up. Reach them at (618) 939-3001 or message them online to schedule an appointment.
