
Whether your home has been through a plumbing problem or a natural disaster, excess moisture in your ceiling and walls can lead to water damage and, unfortunately, mold. Water damage restoration can help resolve the moisture problem, but how can you tell you have a mold problem as well? Solid Management Disaster & Restoration Services Inc. provides mold removal in and around Pagosa Springs, CO, and they can help you recognize the early signs of a problem.

1. Allergies

water damage restoration Pagosa Springs COYour eyes, ears, and nose may give you the first hint that you have a mold problem. Even if you don’t have severe allergies, mold can cause sniffling, sneezing, red eyes, and a runny nose. If your regular allergy medicine doesn’t treat your indoor symptoms, schedule a home inspection to determine whether you have mold.

2. Bad Odors

Another common sign of mold is the presence of unwanted odor in the house. Mold likes to grow in damp, moist areas, and it can start to produce a foul odor as it grows. If you notice a smell in parts of your home like the kitchen, bathroom, or laundry area, you may have a mold problem.

3. Water Leaks

Even if you don’t see the mold, the presence of water leaks in your home is a sign it may be growing somewhere. Damage to the plumbing that runs behind walls or under floors can lead to mold growth, so the problem may not be obvious right away. In these cases, you should have water damage restoration performed to prevent both mold and structural damage.

When you need mold testing to confirm the issue in your home, contact the team at Solid Management Disaster & Restoration Services Inc. These water damage restoration experts can detect and remove the mold in your home, and repair leaks to prevent new growth. For more information on all of their services, call (970) 946-4561, or visit them online.
