
Nearly everyone wants to eat healthier, and seafood may be one of the best—and most delicious—ways to do just that. It’s recommended that adults eat at least eight ounces a week. What exactly are the health benefits that have dietitians raving? The chefs at Lolo’s Seafood Shack in Harlem, NY, are all about sharing this tasty aquatic food’s many wonders.

Seafood provides high-quality, lean, and easily digestible protein. It’s also low in saturated fat, high in omega-3 fatty acids, and offers ample vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and D and calcium. Seafood also one of the best sources of selenium.

What does all this mean for your health? A lowered risk of heart disease and stroke is associated with omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin D and calcium both help strengthen bones, vitamin C helps keep your immune system strong, and vitamin A encourages glowing, healthy skin. Selenium not only protects organs, including the brain, but it has anti-inflammatory effects and helps improve the immune system.

SeafoodAs each type of seafood provides different benefits, it’s best to try and eat a variety of seafood each week, including oily and lean fish, shrimp, and crab. There are endless dishes to try, from classic surf and turf to simple broiled salmon and decadent fried fish. To make getting an assortment as easy as possible, try sampling from a seafood platter.

Are you ready to add more seafood to your diet? Lolo’s Seafood Shack believes that eating healthy never has to be boring. They specialize in a unique mashup of Caribbean food and New England cooking, offering tempting dishes that provide both Cape Cod comfort and island spice. Check out all the delicious ways you can eat healthy by taking a look at their menu, and call (646) 649-3356 to make a reservation, or place an order for pickup or delivery online.
