
It’s no secret that obesity is a widespread epidemic and a major concern to clinical weight loss specialists in most parts of the U.S. Per an annual report called The State of Obesity, the 2015 obesity rate in Urgent & Primary Care’s home state of New York was 25% of the adult population. This statistic, the practice explains, is distressing due to its threat to both individual and statewide safety.

To better express their concerns, their primary care doctors have put together a guide to three essential topics relating to obesity: causes, consequences, and clinical weight loss. Check it out below.

Obesity & Its Causes

Obesity has three primary risk factors. Each is not mutually exclusive. Rather, all three may be present at the same time. Thus, it is often difficult to pin down exactly what is causing an individual’s obesity.

Most, however, attributeclinical weight loss the condition to unhealthy behavior as it is easiest to observe. For example, if a person is sedentary for most of the day and regularly injects fatty, processed foods, they are much more likely to be obese than those who don’t.

Another cause of obesity is the environment. When a community lacks proper sidewalks, for instance, citizens are less likely to walk or bike in their free time. Other facilities like child care, schools, and workplace settings may also encourage unhealthy behaviors, leading to obesity.

While research on the topic is still ongoing, many clinical weight loss specialists believe that genetics also play a role in obesity. Individuals with a family history of obesity or obesity-related diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease are at a higher risk of developing it.

Obesity & Its Consequences

primary care doctorWhen left untreated, obesity can have many adverse effects on the body as well as on one’s general well-being. These results break down into three different categories: health, economic, and societal.

Health consequences are the most threatening of the three. When compared to their healthy counterparts, obese individuals are at a much higher risk for serious diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and arthritis. The condition can even cause depression and anxiety.

Regarding economic consequences, obesity and its related diseases both impact the country’s health care system. The condition, according to the National League of Cities, costs the U.S. government an average of $190.2 billion per year.

Finally, obesity also influences social interactions and dynamics. For example, it harms one’s work performance through increased absences and decreased productivity. The condition can also cause low self-esteem and feelings of insecurity in those who suffer from it.

Obesity & Clinical Weight Loss

Due to these severe consequences, it’s essential that all Americans, no matter their current weight, maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Urgent & Primary Care suggest starting with exercise. According to their clinical weight loss specialists, you should try to complete the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion’s recommendation of 30 minutes of exercise every day. Just don’t forget to consult your primary care doctor before starting a new fitness program. For nutrition, the New York-based practice recommends increasing your water intake and eating nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

With your help, Urgent & Primary Care can help decrease their community’s obesity statistics. For more on the condition itself or to learn which of its associated conditions this practice treats, visit them online. To schedule an appointment with their primary care doctors, call them at (518) 463-8262 today.  
