
If you are facing criminal charges, it’s natural to worry about what the future might hold. There is a lot at stake, but a criminal law attorney from MacVean, Lewis, Sherwin & McDermott, P.C. in Middletown, NY, will protect your future by defending your rights.

Below, they share a few possible defense strategies one could use in a criminal law case.

5 Potential Defenses From a Criminal Law Attorney

1. Self-Defense

Self-defense is a common defense strategy for those facing charges related to assault and even homicide. In order for this defense to work, you must be able to prove that your response was proportionate to the amount of danger you were in at the time of the attack.

2. Entrapment

Entrapment typically applies as a defense to drug-related charges. For example, if law enforcement personnel deceived you in order to convince you to break the law, it might qualify as entrapment.

3. Intoxication

Getting intoxicated does not grant you the right to commit crimes. However, if you were not fully cognizant when you committed the crime, you may be able to fight for reduced charges.

4. Expired Statute of Limitations

criminal law attorneySome crimes, like murder, have no statute of limitations. But for many other crimes, the court only has a certain amount of time to prosecute you. If the statute of limitations has passed for your crime, your charges will be dropped.

5. Duress

Duress is similar to self-defense in that this defense argues you only committed the crime in order to protect yourself. For example, if a drug dealer threatened to shoot you unless you transported drugs, you might argue duress as your defense for any subsequent drug charges.

If you’re facing criminal charges, an attorney from MacVean, Lewis, Sherwin & McDermott, P.C. will help you determine the best defense for your particular situation. Check out the firm online to learn more about their areas of practice, including DWI law and elder law. To schedule an initial consultation with a criminal law attorney, call (845) 343-3000. You can also find the firm on Facebook.
