
As a parent, you take every precaution to ensure your child remains healthy and safe. However, sometimes, accidents just happen. Whether your child chips a tooth on a glass of water or knocks one out while playing in the backyard, there are steps you can take to prepare for a major dental incident. Today, the caring emergency children’s dentist from Alaska Dentistry for Kids in Anchorage explains how to deal with an unexpected issue.

An Emergency Children’s Dentist Explains How to Respond to Urgent Dental Issues

When a Tooth Is Knocked Out

emergency children's dentistIf your child’s baby tooth is knocked out (as opposed to naturally falling out), call their dentist immediately. The tooth cannot be replanted, so there’s no need to salvage it. If, however, your child loses a permanent tooth, locate it and gently rinse it in water. Call the dentist and have your little one hold the tooth in place with a clean washcloth. If this isn’t possible, place it in a cup of milk or water. Then, head to your local emergency children’s dentist.

When a Tooth Is Chipped

If your child drastically chips a tooth, have them gargle with water. Then, use a cold compress to help ease the pain. If you can find any fragments of the tooth, bring them to the emergency children’s dentist in a cup of milk or water.

To keep your little one healthy and well, always have the information of a trusted emergency children’s dentist on hand. The sooner you seek help, the better the outcome will be. For more information about how Alaska Dentistry for Kids can help your child, call them today at (907) 274-2525 or visit the website
