
Tailgating is common throughout America’s highways, and it’s no foreign offense to drivers in Pell City, AL. Thousands of car accidents each year result from one driver tailgating, or following the car in front of them too closely. If you’re not at fault, this occurrence can range from irritating to life-threatening.

At Arnold Law Offices, their experienced personal injury attorneys offer the following three tips to avoid tailgating accidents:

  • Personal Injury AttorneyKeep Your Distance: For every 10 mph you drive, keep 10 feet between yourself and the car in front of you. For instance, if you are on a highway with a speed limit of 60 mph, you need at least 60 feet between yourself and the car ahead. It takes even longer to stop in wet or icy conditions, so you should double that amount in inclement weather.
  • Watch Your Speed & Stay Alert: Keeping your speed in check is an excellent way to avoid tailgating the driver in front of you. It’s easy to zone out and go 10–15 mph over the speed limit. If you do, you might be tailgating the driver ahead of you who is abiding by the speed limit.
  • Give Yourself Time to Stop: Keeping a safe distance between yourself and other cars on the road ensures you have ample time to stop if they slam on their brakes. Motorcycles and semis require even more time to stop, so keep a greater distance between your car and these vehicles.

The personal injury attorneys at Arnold Law Offices have a long history of representing drivers involved in tailgating accidents. Should a vehicular crash turn into a criminal case, their experienced defense attorneys are poised to provide the aggressive representation you need. To ensure your rights and best interests are protected, call Arnold Law Offices at (205) 338-6565 to speak with a personal injury attorney or visit the website.
